Contact us at (701) 672-2222 By appointment only.

Kids Konnection provides neutral third party assistance with setting a visitation schedule based on your parenting time order or by working with each client to set a schedule, a safe, neutral site to transfer children between parents and allows parents to visit their children on site while maintaining no contact with the other party.
- Scheduling- Staff will works with both parties to develop a parenting time schedule, parties exchange wherever works best for them, scheduling done up to twelve months at a time.
- Monitored Exchanges- Neutral drop off/pick up site, no contact between parties, staggered arrival and departure times, separate entrances.
- Supervised Visits- Direct supervision of visit by professional staff in a secure environment, no contact between parties, separate entrances, staggered arrival and departure times, comfortable family room setting with toys for every age.
- Supervised Phone Calls- Either party can come to Kids Konnection to use a Kids Konnection phone for a supervised phone call, direct supervision of phone call by professional staff.
- Safe, child-friendly environment facilitated by professional staff
- Prevent children from witnessing conflict
- Development of a healthy relationship between children and their non-custodial parent
- Development of a consistent parenting time schedule
- Confidential use of services
- Reduce stress during difficult family transitions
- Flexible hours- evenings, weekends, and holidays
- No court order needed